You shouldn’t be surprised to learn that “wire sawing was invented as a survival skill” because the majority of skills and techniques used today were created or introduced to make life simpler and more convenient (survive). They were forced to develop new talents and techniques in order to survive, but they also attempted to advance existing ones. Cutting, for instance, is a survival skill that humans have used for a very long time.
Cutting is a talent that is employed in practically all aspects of life and should never be disregarded or forgotten. Therefore, a variety of cutting techniques have been developed to increase the versatility of cutting. “What does versatile mean?” Versatile in that we can now cut a variety of materials because to the availability of different processes, whereas the early cutting techniques were solely limited to certain substances. These cutting methods include everything from wire sawing to cutting with steel blades. One such method of interest is wire sawing.
Creation of the Wire Saw
Initially created as a survival skill for cutting trees and less dense materials, wire sawing involves twisting or plaiting twigs, vines, or strings into a wire to make cutting easier. Although it took more work to cut using this approach, it was found to be neater and more efficient than other cutting processes, and many people started using it.
The less waste produced during cutting and improved precision are some advantages of wire sawing that other cutting processes cannot match. These advantages exist because cutting wires have a smaller surface area than other types of wires, which allows them to operate more effectively and with less force on the indicated region.
When this technology was first developed, its only drawbacks were that it was slower than other cutting methods and could not be used to cut denser materials like concrete, diamonds, etc (a survival need).
This survival requirement was satisfied, and the wires used for sawing were strengthened while keeping their distinctive properties. Impregnating the wires with diamond bits is one method of strengthening the wires used in wire sawing. This enhancement increased the adaptability of wire sawing.
When it comes to speed, tools like the hydraulic press are employed to increase cutting speed, making wire sawing an even more precise approach. This article will discuss some of the applications for wire sawing, which are currently widespread across numerous industries.
Wire sawing Applications
As was already noted, there are numerous industries that use wire sawing nowadays. Here are just a few of them:
For mining: Because mining deals with expensive materials, they would benefit from a cutting method that gives more precision and little to no waste. Because of these advantages, the mining industry has adopted the wire sawing process.
Plumbing: The lower danger of damage during cutting is one advantage of wire sawing that is valued in this industry; as a result, wire sawing is used in plumbing for cutting pipes made of various materials.
Construction: By including the construction sector, the list would be complete. This is because wire concrete sawing is a method of cutting concrete. Wire sawing is therefore particularly helpful in the building sector.
Since its humble beginnings as a survival skill for chopping down trees and other soft materials, wire sawing has developed into an essential talent and equipment in every business. Better details on the history and applications of wire sawing are provided in this article.